The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, located in Montpelier, Vermont, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created by the Vermont Legislature in 1995.
The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, located in Montpelier, Vermont, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created by the Vermont Legislature in 1995.
We partner with state government, private sector businesses, and nonprofits to build a thriving economic, social and ecological future for Vermont. Our staff and Board of Directors are committed to developing creative approaches and innovative models that help to grow Vermont’s economy. We take the long-view, partnering with innovators and early adopters to test and demonstrate new market opportunities that will lead to a greener, more sustainable economy in Vermont.
The early 1990s were characterized by a national debate pitting environmental protection against economic development. Many said it was one or the other, that both could not exist at the same time. But in 1995, a group of successful entrepreneurs within Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR) saw the need to transcend this divide. Sustainable development was a new idea at the time and it provided the group with a theme, a vision, and goals to work toward: Vermont could meet the economic needs of its citizens—without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
With bi-partisan support from the Vermont Legislature, VBSR helped establish the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, in 1995. In the enabling legislation (VSA, Title 10, Chapter 15A, no.326 – 330), the Legislature identified “creating quality jobs and conserving and protecting Vermont’s social and natural environments” as primary means of maintaining “economic vitality and the quality of life of Vermont.” They also stressed positioning the state as a sustainable development educational center as an important goal. The Legislature reasoned that the goal of creating quality jobs depends upon providing support for the start-up and expansion of micro and small businesses, as well as nurturing businesses in growing sectors (environmental technologies, renewable energy, specialty foods, wood products, sustainable agriculture, etc.) of the national and international economy. Several tools were identified to accomplish these goals, including:
Thus, the name Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund reflects the dual goals of accelerating the development of new markets for sustainably produced goods and investing in Vermont’s future, in order to create jobs.
During those early years, the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) acted as a catalyst, leveraging good ideas, technical know-how, and financial resources to support network development and supply chain coordination, especially in the realms of sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry, outdoor recreation and renewable energy. VSJF made small grants of over $2.7 million to 150 recipients—who utilized these funds to leverage an additional $11.8 million to implement their projects and test their ideas. VSJF grants during that time benefited over 8,800 businesses and created or retained at least 800 jobs. VSJF’s technical assistance programs assisted 15 clients (representing 384 employees) through a peer to peer advising service, 132 business coaching clients and hundreds of other clients and partners who sought some form of assistance during that time period.
Special initiatives and grant making during this time period included…
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund staff learned a great deal in the first ten years about how to spark and support sustainable economic development through grant making, supply chain coordination, and business assistance. Our experimentation with different approaches in industry-specific market development while leveraging the Vermont brand, has led to filling gaps or relieving bottlenecks that hold businesses back. Our approach to business assistance includes matching capital needs to the size, scale, and type of business, so that enterprises are able to reach their full potential and create livable jobs.
In 2016, the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund Board of Directors and staff embarked on a strategic planning process, with assistance from Ben Anderson-Ray of Trinitas Advisors, LLC based in Middlebury. The board and staff wanted to explore the many tools, approaches, and initiatives undertaken over the years and to position the organization for even greater impact in the future and benefit to the State of Vermont, its businesses, and people.
With the close out of the Vermont Bioenergy Initiative, VSJF has added two new programs, continues to administer the Farm to Plate Investment Program, and has revised and expanded its business assistance services. Building on its earlier work to support the forest products industry and, after having participated in a year-long forest industry systems analysis, VSJF launched the Vermont Forest Products Program. At the request of the Vermont Climate Economy Initiative, managed by the Vermont Council on Rural Development, VSJF has launched the Vermont Climate Economy Business Network and related service, DeltaClimeVT (a climate economy business accelerator).