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The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) is a nonprofit organization that nurtures the economic prosperity, ecological health, and social connectivity of people, businesses, organizations and communities in Vermont for the benefit and well-being of all who live here.

We encourage job seekers to visit the following websites:

Thank you for your interest in employment opportunities at the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund. At this time we have no open positions but there are many services and websites in Vermont to help people find available jobs. Often, business trade associations, businesses, and organizations have job postings on their website. We wish you the best of luck in your job search.

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VSJF Vermont Sustainability Funders

Become a Funder

Are you interested in funding one of our programs or services? We are seeking funders to achieve our sustainable economic goals as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
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VSJF Vermont Sustainability Clients

Become a Client

Are you interested in becoming a client to grow your business, industry sector, or replicate one of our approaches? We offer a suite of services for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies.
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Become a Partner

Are you interested in partnering with us to build a thriving economic, social, and ecological future for Vermont? We invite collaboration from diverse stakeholders in all areas of our work.
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