Business Coaching

Connection, community, and sustainability at the heart of Karin Bellemare’s vision for a “new, old general store” in Middlesex. “There’s something larger going on here than bagging greens,” said Karin Bellemare, owner of The Roots Farm Market in Middlesex. “There’s a community connection.”...

Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund's economic development approach packaged in a suite of client services, directed by Geoff Robertson The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, a nonprofit organization focused on sustainable economic development, announces the expansion of its suite of services for clients from private sector businesses in...

VSJF Vermont Sustainability Funders

Become a Funder

Are you interested in funding one of our programs or services? We are seeking funders to achieve our sustainable economic goals as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
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VSJF Vermont Sustainability Clients

Become a Client

Are you interested in becoming a client to grow your business, industry sector, or replicate one of our approaches? We offer a suite of services for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies.
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Become a Partner

Are you interested in partnering with us to build a thriving economic, social, and ecological future for Vermont? We invite collaboration from diverse stakeholders in all areas of our work.
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