Since 2003, the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund has provided funding for bioenergy demonstration projects, which evolved into the Vermont Bioenergy Initiative in 2008.
Since 2003, the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund has provided funding for bioenergy demonstration projects, which evolved into the Vermont Bioenergy Initiative in 2008.
VSJF was a key partner in developing the Vermont Community Energy Dashboard in collaboration with the Vermont Energy Action Network and has convened diverse stakeholders in order to advance alignment with agriculture-based renewable energy and wood heat businesses and organizations.
Our business management coaching service includes the renewable energy sector and help businesses in this sector grow and create more jobs for Vermonters while also bringing positive benefits to our environment and communities.
We are a member of the Climate Economy Action Team managed by the Vermont Council on Rural Development, which positions Vermont as the state where climate change and resource renewal can spark business growth and economic development.
Receiving grant funding through the Vermont Bioenergy Initiative from the U.S. Department of Energy was instrumental in the Vermont Farmers Food Center being able to afford to install a renewable energy biomass boiler in farmers’ hall. This installation, coupled with an onsite solar array, will enable us to move forward on our goal to create a sustainable, resilient, and locally sourced energy footprint for our facility. We plan to turn local storm-damaged trees and meadow edges into a local source of fuel for the biomass boiler.
At the beginning of the Vermont Bioenergy Initiative (2008), Vermont had very limited experience with the research, feedstocks, production processes, industry networks, and many other factors necessary to develop biodiesel and grass/mixed fiber pellet industries. Our investments in feasibility analyses, research and development, technology and demonstration projects, and education and outreach resources for various bioenergy feedstocks have created a solid foundation from which future efforts in Vermont and other rural parts of the country can be developed.
The Community Energy Dashboard was developed to help communities shape their energy future through interactive tools to set goals, track progress, map actions, share stories, and hear from trusted neighbors. The Dashboard helps translate Vermont’s goal of 90% Renewable Energy by 2050 into achievable local action across all energy sectors—efficiency, heat, electricity, and transportation. Development of the Community Energy Dashboard was in partnership with Energy Action Network and based off the Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont which VSJF developed and managed from 2009 to 2016.
VSJF manages DeltaClimeVT—Vermont’s climate economy business accelerator program—which provides startup support, business planning, mentorship, and access to capital for entrepreneurs committed to climate economy innovation.
The Energy 2024 winner, selected through a peer-review process, is Rock Rabbit receiving a $25,000 award. BED also awarded a pilot project Moduly. Additional Vermont companies and utilities are in talks with cohort companies to implement further pilot projects. Click to learn more.
The Energy 2023 winner, selected through a peer-review process, is ProsumerGrid receiving a $25,000 award. Pilot projects with Burlington Electric Department were also announced. Click to read the recap.
The Energy 2022 winner, selected through a peer-review process, is Halitra receiving a $25,000 award. Pilot projects with Vermont utilities were also announced. Read the recap here.
The Energy 2021 winner, selected through a peer-review process, is Neothermal Energy Storage receiving a $25,000 award. Three pilot projects with Vermont utilities were also announced. Read the recap here.
The Energy 2020 winners, selected through a peer-review process, include Pecos Wind Power receiving a $25,000 award, Medley Thermal receiving a $15,000 award, and Wex Energy receiving a $10,000 award. Plus five pilot projects with Vermont utilities announced. Read the recap here.
$25,000 Winner – Onboard Data of Massachusetts. Burlington Electric Department Pilot Project Winners: EV Match, Go Together and DCC. Green Mountain Power Pilot Project Winner: EV Match. Read the recap here.
Winners – AgHelp of Michigan and Ceres Greens of Vermont. Read the recap here.
Winners – Emrgy Inc. of Georgia and A.F. Mensah of New Jersey.
VSJF offers a business management coaching program that expanded in 2017 to offer help Vermont renewable energy companies grow their businesses and provide more jobs for Vermonters. Click here for a complete list of clients by sector.
When my grandfather came to our farm back in the 1930s he came with horses and he grew oats to feed those horses. Those horses were his power that took him to town and pulled his plow. And now we’re growing an oil crop, which is our power. It’s just a different time, a different technology, but it’s the same thing all over again.